Safety First
Your child's health and safety is our priority. We take all the necessary measures and precautions to ensure this. We abide by all necessary state regulations and rules. If you have any questions or concerns, please free to reach out.

Arriving at School
Pre-School is between 7AM-6PM.
Children must be signed in and out.
K-5th starts at 8AM. Bell rings at 8:25AM.
6th-8th starts at 7:30AM. Bell rings at 7:55AM.
When dropping off your children (K-5th) they must come through the double doors of the office.
Grades 6th-8th (Middle School) can be dropped off at there campus gate door. NOTE: The gate is locked at 8AM. They will need to enter through the office if they are tardy.​

School uniforms are Mandatory. It is our desire to follow biblical principles of Modesty and exercise good taste in our dress code. Uniforms provide neatness, remove "label competition," and provide an improved self-image.
Fridays will be non-uniform days. The school will require a student to change or turn their shirt inside out if the writing or graphic is consider inappropriate.
Parents are also expected to dress modestly while on campus. We want to model what we want to see.
School colors are Navy blue, red, and white.
Tops can be any of these solid colors.
Bottoms must be navy blue or khaki.
For more details, please refer to the OKCS Parent-Student Handbook issued at the beginning of the year.

Absence & Tardy
Please call the office at (661) 393-3566 between 7:30-8:30AM on the morning of your student's absence or tardy. Students who arrive after their start times must report to the office to obtain a pass. OKCS does not observe fog delays. School will begin at usual times. Please use your best judgement when it is a safe time to bring students to school. Tardies will be excused due to fog.